So usually winter and I are not best pals. We don't hang out, go to the beach together and share our intimate girly secrets. However, I do have to thank winter for my discovery of Le Tan Fast Tan foaming mousse.
Now, just a bit of background on my relationship with Mr. Fake Tan before I go on. I am a self confessed fake tanning addict and that's because I'm not one of those girls who look lovely all white glow-in-the-dark-style (like Amanda Seyfried for example... See, look at her, the sexy minx).

On the other hand, when I am cold, my pale skin goes a lovely shade of blotchy purple and pink. Hot, right? And in summer I don't like to try my luck actually developing a real tan (First, it will never happen and second, my Gramps died of skin cancer so I'd rather fake it than bake it). So, I do fake tan 365 day's a year. Of course, I don't put too much on in winter, just enough to cover my purple edge.
My usual tan of choice is the St Tropez foaming mousse. It's a little tube of liquid gold and for $70 for 750mL you would really hope it to be. It never streaks, is a lovely natural colour (I have had compliments about how nice my real tan is. Ha! Suckers...) and I love that it's a mousse because you can instantly see where you are applying and you can do it gradually. Gradually is the key word here. You should always apply one layer first, then assess the situation the next day. Don't go overboard because no matter how fabulous the product is, you will probably come out looking like an extra from Willy Wonkers classic movie - an oompa loompa. This is also why I prefer gradual tanners over getting spray tans. Yes, sometimes they can look great but other times, not so much (unless orange is your thing, then you know, go for it!)
Anyway, seeing as it is winter I'm not using much tan and on top of that I'm not really cashed up (thanks to Uni - another great friend of mine). So, I decided I better opt for a cheaper version. I chose Le Tan Fast Tan and haven't looked back.

Boy, it's a beauty! This little puppy is quite inexpensive (around $12 a bottle!) and it does a wonderful job! The colour is nice and natural, I only need one light coat to get a desirable coverage and colour, it stays put for a good week (as long as I moisturise every day*), doesn't come off on my clothes, comes off my skin relatively evenly and did I mention that it's cheap?!
I'm so pleased with Le Tan that I'm sure that I'll use it come summer time and save my good old St Tropez for special occasions. Good one!
So, do you use fake tan?
What's your product of choice?
Or are you one of those lucky buggers who looks amazing pale?
*Just a fun little tip: if you like to make the most out of your tan, put one layer of full strength foaming mousse (like Le Tan) on the first night (I say night so that you don't need to wait around for 10 mins to let it dry before dressing) and then every second day, exchange your usual body moisturiser for a moisturiser with added gradual tanner - my suggestion is Dove's Summer Glow (but in all honesty I haven't come across a gradual tanning moisturiser that hasn't done the trick).
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