Uh-oh. 'Why the hell would I be interested in your working life? Aren't we talking beauty?' I hear you ask. Well that's just it, doll. My busy life has sent me spiralling into Beauty
Rutt Town, postal address: 666 Chapped Nails Drive, Me Crazy Avenue, 9110. To cut to the chase (all terrible jokes aside), I was working full time at a paper then going to my beloved part time job (Gloria Jeans Coffee shop aka supplier of liquid gold) both days on the weekend. Hello zero days off in over a month. O.M.G. I was stuffed and so were my nails and hair. Realising that I was going to completely loose my sanity if I didn't find myself some 'me time' I decided that before starting back up at the Sunday Mail I needed a manicure. Badly. So I promptly booked myself into my local salon, Ashleigh's Day Spa, for a quick 30 minute clean up. I wasn't quite sure what to expect as I usually visit a family friend for all my primping needs - but alas, she wasn't available so I excused myself from feeling like a cheating tart.
How was my experience? Well, I was more than pleased ackshually. First, the beauty therapist was absolutely lovely. She could see that I was a total tired wreck and politely made small talk before quietly getting on with her job. Second, she refrained from cracking any narky jokes about my unkept nails that had coffee grind stuck underneath (gross.). Nope, she just began shaping, cleaning, soaking and rubbing until I almost fell into a blissful sleep. I opened my eyes to see my nails looking tidy and healthy (awesome) and proceeded to offer my own polish for the therapist to use which she gladly accepted (none of this, 'oh no you must use our polish' business). I was especially pleased with the painting and walked away after an hour (only paying for half an hour). Fabulous!

The only thing I would improve about my manicure is that I quite enjoy when the flaked skin around my nails (my hands get incredibly dry from coffee making) is removed. It leaves an absolutely clean finish.
Final verdict: I would visit Ashleigh's Day Spa again, for sure!
What have you done to escape a beauty rut?
Favourite salon?
Vegemite on toast (go Aussie go!) or peanut butter and jelly?
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