Complete awe, actually. I'm excited to report that it seems Kristen has decided to ditch the 'if you take a photo of me I might transform into the mighty Hulk and rip your face off' look and, to top it off, she is rocking that red carped looking relaxed, comfortable, and, um, happy. The crowd goes wild, people!
And the transformation doesn't stop there. Yesterday morning I was quietly browsing my favourite sites on the train when all of a sudden I came across this shocking picture (and when I say shocking I mean mouth-open-in-a-really-unflattering-way shocking)...Wow. Kristen Stewart has died her hair a marvellous rusty-red hue and looks absolutely stunning.
This is her at the New York Premiere of Eclipse:

(This picture is courtesy of PRIMPED website)
I adore this colour on her so much; it completely complements her fair skin (which I might add looks absolutely flawless in this pic) and helps draw attention to her green eyes.
While I have always thought this girl was pretty, I now think she is a super sexy minx as this red instantaneously gives her an edge of attitude and makes her look cheeky. It's lovely.
Teamed up with the so on trend messy braid (which I am trying my damndest to master and once I do, I will be posting a pic and method), and the pinkish eye shadow (drawing even more attention to her amazing eyees - unbelievable right?), she is looking absolutely fabulous and making me feel proud to secretly be a twi-hard at heart.
She's fiery hot and it makes her eyes pop!
What do you think of the colour?
Love it?
Hate it?
Have any other celebs impressed you with thier awesome beauty endeavours?
2 letter(s) to the editor:
I think she's pretty, in a bit of a weird way. That colour hair does suit her, I think if she were just more confident on like the red carpet and smiled she would always look stunning. Obviously she doesn't like crowds much though.
Yeah, it is a bit of a strange attractiveness. Although I think that she is quite naturally pretty and when she actually makes an effort...POW. Unfortunately you're so right...she doesn't work the red carpet as well as she could, but I think she's improving! Huzzah!
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