Sorry Rowan (my boyfriend) but it's true. I have been quietly getting it on with Mr. Batiste and honestly, it's been amazing.

What has spurred on this act of ultimate betrayal I hear you ask? Well, lately everyone in the beauty world keeps banging on about how wonderful dry shampoo is, so I decided I better give it a spray (ha!) and I've quickly come to realise why everyone is tres obsessed:
- First, my hair is quite fine (although I've got a bit of it) and at the moment it is a light/caramelly blonde. Its fineness teamed up with its light colour means that on the second day after a wash my hair is rocking the grease. Not Pretty. But if I use dry shampoo I can draw out the next wash to three days. It's wonderful and I can see a change in my hair - it's more shiny and soft (basically, more healthy).
- I've also found that dry shampoo is amazing for giving my hair extra 'oomph'. I simply lift up sections down the top of my hair, spray and viola! I have hair that is bodyluscious (although I do have to make sure to not apply too much down my 'part' because if I do, I'm in danger of looking like I've got a serious case of dandruff. Hot.)
- Okay, so it's winter here in the southern hemisphere (boo!) and I don't know about you but I am really struggling to get out of my warm, comfy bed in the mornings. My cold, dark and evil bathroom is not somewhere I enjoy visiting at 6am in the morning. So, even if I wanted to wash my hair every two days, it's simply not an option because I don't have time. Mr Batiste, is helping me spend an extra 20 minutes in bed in the mornings and for that, I will love him for eternity.
So there you have it. I am in love with dry shampoo. And if you are not, I seriously recommend that you go down to your local DJ's, Myers or Priceline and purchase (If you're not a happy couple yet I'm assuming that's because you haven't tried it). And if you're a sexy brunette...Never fear! There is dry shampoo designed especially you. All dark and stuff. Hooray!
Do you like dry shampoo?
How often do you wash your hair a week?
P.S I need to sincerely apologise to this blog. Oh boy, I have been neglecting it big time lately. But I do have an excuse, I've been busy undertaking an internship at the Sunday Mail and spending way too much time with Mr Batiste, obviously.
2 letter(s) to the editor:
I need to get some of this. Because I often straighten my hair, and I wish I didn't have to wash it as much..
buy it buy it buy it! It's seriously some awesome stuff and when you can buy the little cans for only $4.95 from DJs it's pretty fab!
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