thought up by roxy at 8:10 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
thought up by roxy at 7:36 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Ashleigh's Day Spa, Beauty, manicure, Messenger, Sunday Mail
As I'm about to embark on the final semester of my University degree I've been doing a whole lot of work expereince, internships (whatever I can get really) and trawling through careerone.com looking for possible jobs. Obviously it's a super competitative world out there and I need to get on it. So I've been thinking quite seriously about what the best way to apply for a job might be. Do I send out my CV to a bunch of papers, PR firms, media agencies and the like, do I contact them over social networking sites (become thier facebook 'friend'/twitter 'follower') or approach them face to face? You know, physically show them what I've got to offer.
I personally believe that this is a tough nut to crack (please excuse the cliché). Does anyone really know what the best option is when applying for a job? Well after some research I quickly found that someone actually does have a clear understanding of how to best approach a prospective employer. Who? 'The Chaser', of course! I've come across an amazing YouTube vid which demonstrates exactly how to secure your dream job. It's a winner, check it out!
Compliments of the loved 'Chasers':
thought up by roxy at 10:58 AM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Adelaide University, Job, The Chaser, work experience
thought up by roxy at 8:30 PM 5 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Adelaide University, Graffiti, toilet graffiti
So today I had a plan of having a look at some of the shops in Adelaide off the beaten path of Rundle Mall. I was going to take some snaps and write up a blog. When I stepped off the tram and tried taking a picture I was met with the all to familiar sight of "REPLACE BATTERY PACK". Needless to say I changed my plans and decided instead to go for a little walk to the Museum of South Australia, accompanied by my good friends Belle and Sebasian, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and Nicholas Roy.
It was a bit of a strange experience walking through the museum by myself with the music in my ears blocking out the screams of the children all around me. The museum opened their new Biodiversity section in February of this year, I've been excited to go see it because the animals are always my favourite part of the museum. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but it all has a very Australian feel to it. I started off in the marine section with whales and fish and all sorts of strange creatures. There was multimedia screens all around the place and if you got up close enough it almost felt like you were actually swimming around the reef. It really ignited a desire to go diving again!
The whole section really flows, you move from under the sea, to beachside, to backyard, to outback. The thing I loved about the display is that it wasn't just about showing animals, you have to explore a bit to actually discover everything that the museum has done. One example was a display of nocturnal animals, I looked up and noticed that a hidden owl was looking down at me, when a little girl noticed me doing this she too looked up and was so excited by the sight. There were crawl spaces that only children could fit through so I don't know if these were just for entertainment or if there were even more things hidden here. One of my favourites was the "backyard" animals.
thought up by natashajean at 4:26 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Adelaide, Animals of Farthing Wood, Belle and Sebastian, Biodiversity, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Extinct, Museum of South Australia, Nicholas Roy
thought up by natashajean at 9:48 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Camelbak, Cath Kidston, Fitness, Getting Fit, Highway to Health, Internship, kikki.K, Nerdfighters, Running Bare, Sunday Mail, Urban Remedy, Wii Fit, Winter Warmer Cleanse
thought up by roxy at 12:32 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Amanda Seyfried, Beauty, Fake Tan, Le Tan, St Tropez