Wednesday, June 30, 2010
K Stew goes red and I am in awe...

thought up by roxy at 6:43 PM 2 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Beauty, Hair, Kristen Stewart, Twighligt
Monday, June 28, 2010
Obsessions - Winning Things
So I have a bit of an obsession... with winning things. I'm not claiming to be this lucky person who's winning millions left right and centre (although apparently I have won millions in plenty of overseas lotteries and the cash is just waiting for me to claim it with my bank details). Even if I'm not always winning things I sure give it a go.
My first taste of competition victory came at a ripe young age when I won a No Doubt CD out of a TV Hits magazine. I didn't even get to see the CD for months as I was in Vietnam and it was shipped straight to Roxy's house, but it started off a thirst in me. Over the years I've won a few things including a phone, some dvds, some more CDs, vouchers I even won a Sony Blu-Ray player thanks to my ace guitar hero skills at a Sony product night. It isn't really even the prize that gets me excited, but it's knowing that out of everyone else I actually managed to win. It could have been my eloquent skills with 25 words or less or that fabulous photo I snapped that covers just what the competition is about, whatever the winning entry is it's just nice to know that you did something that someone else considers fab!
My latest quest you ask? The Sony Make.Believe Experience Competition. I got through to the second round through some fantastically worded entry and some lovely votes from my mum and all her friends and now I just have to try and up the views on this video I made that will hopefully impress the judges. I find myself becoming a whole new person when I'm involved in a competition, I'm not the happy loving person I am usually but instead I'm a bitter competitive person who tries to clutch at any available shred of victory she can!
Do you ever enter any comps? And have you ever got lucky!
What is the best thing you've won?
Do you ever sit in front of your computer for hours on Win-Free-Stuff writing 25 words or less over... and over... and over again?
Adios Amigos!
thought up by natashajean at 8:50 PM 3 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: CD, Competitions, Competitive, Guitar Hero, Prizes, Sony
Beauty Review: I have fallen victim to the allure of dry shampoo. Now I'm involved in a raging love affair..

- First, my hair is quite fine (although I've got a bit of it) and at the moment it is a light/caramelly blonde. Its fineness teamed up with its light colour means that on the second day after a wash my hair is rocking the grease. Not Pretty. But if I use dry shampoo I can draw out the next wash to three days. It's wonderful and I can see a change in my hair - it's more shiny and soft (basically, more healthy).
- I've also found that dry shampoo is amazing for giving my hair extra 'oomph'. I simply lift up sections down the top of my hair, spray and viola! I have hair that is bodyluscious (although I do have to make sure to not apply too much down my 'part' because if I do, I'm in danger of looking like I've got a serious case of dandruff. Hot.)
- Okay, so it's winter here in the southern hemisphere (boo!) and I don't know about you but I am really struggling to get out of my warm, comfy bed in the mornings. My cold, dark and evil bathroom is not somewhere I enjoy visiting at 6am in the morning. So, even if I wanted to wash my hair every two days, it's simply not an option because I don't have time. Mr Batiste, is helping me spend an extra 20 minutes in bed in the mornings and for that, I will love him for eternity.
thought up by roxy at 4:55 PM 2 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Batiste, Beauty, dry shampoo
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fashion: Kookai 50% Off Sale, Rad-elaide Chicks Go Wild
And I'm not kidding, Kookai's Adelaide store was going 'off-tap' on Wednesday (the sale start date). Luckily for me (or so I thought), I had prior warning of this sale (via a twitter update) so I got myself in town nice and early, handed up my last uni assignment for the semester (huzzah!) and had my money bits all counted and ready to go.
When I arrived at Kookai, at a rather modest hour (11:30ish), I realised I was not quite early enough. The place was packed with excited ladies of all ages; hoards of teens, young women and the more 'mature', but oh so elegant ladies, were already clawing through the bundles of discounted clothes and trawling through the sale racks. It was EPIC (sorry, I don't often drop the E-bomb, but this occasion really called for it).
Honestly, I was a little overwhelmed, but like the Kookai loving trooper I am, I pushed through, selected a few items of clothing and headed for the devilishly long snake that was the line for the change room. I thought I was in for a long wait, but truth be told, I was in and out within 10 minutes. To my absolute delight, everyone was exceptionally considerate of their fellow fashionistas and spent as little time as necessary trying on their selected clothes. It was a lovely feeling. The serious and competitive faces we all bestowed when entering the massively awesome sale were merely a facade, we really did look out for each other (unless there was only one item left and a crowd of angry, fashion hungry chicks all wanted it. Scary stuff.).
Anyway, I limited myself to one piece of clothing because, as of late, I've been doing my best to save my pennies. I've also made the rule that I can only purchase, if, and only if, that purchase is job savvy. That is, I'm only buying clothes that I can wear to work (I'm graduating at the end of the year so it is time to get myself ready for the real world). What did I buy then? A lovely, coloured printed dress, with a black base colour reduced from $130 to $60. Awesome! This little number is fabulous, in moi opinion. I can easily make it winter wearable (with the addition of back stockings, a black blazer and heels (of course!) but it is totally summer-esque as well. Yippeee!
Another day, another find....So, the next day I had to pop into town with my darling mother and noticed three things. First, yup, Kookai was still going absolutely nuts. Second, the new Wollies had just opened (please don't underestimate how exciting this is for all the uni students/townies)...And to top it all off, I found a pair of RMK platforms in DJ's that I had thought were sold out, but no, they were in fact reduced from $140 big-ones, to $83. Holymotherofgawd...I was so happy that I considered breaking out in song right then and there. Here are the sexy puppies:
Do you like?
Are you crazily happy for me?
Do you have any sale stories (found a total bargain, got into a brawl, pulled some chicks hair out)?
thought up by roxy at 10:13 AM 3 letter(s) to the editor
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Introducing This and That's Highway to Health
thought up by natashajean at 9:28 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Exercise, Highway to Health, introduction, Juice Cleanse, Urban Remedy
Thoughts - Sex and the City 2 (In My Opinion)
thought up by natashajean at 10:49 AM 2 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Emotional Attachment, HBO, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Osmosis Jones, Sex and The City 2, Single Ladies, Tears
Saturday, June 12, 2010
5 Reasons Why I'll Be Rocking The Bold Lip Tonight
At my boyfriend's gig, that is. I'm thinking I'll do a nice, bright coral. Like this Lancome lip gloss (no. 66)...
My second pick is Revlon’s high-pigment coral and magenta (from their new colourburst range). It's a winner (and comes in lovely, Chanel inspired packaging).
Here are the reasons:
1. I'll be at a bar where my man will be wooing a crowd with his superstar-esque guitar playing. He'll be doing this while smiling politely at the random single lady who decides to step up as one of Jesus disciples and wipe the sweat of his brow (thanks hunni, that's not what I'm here for. Now move along, enjoy your night and I wish you a years worth of bad hair days) . So obviously, I need to look good. Or at least feel good, and one way to feel done up, fresh faced and lovely is a bright lip, don't you agree?
2. Yeah it's winter here in the Southern Hemisphere, and although we usually associate the colder months with darker colours, like, erm, BLACK (and deep purples, greys etc.), I think it's quite nice to throw in a bold, bright lip here and there. Mix it up a bit, brighten your day/afternoon (no pun intended!) with a splash of colour.
3. Zoe Foster, a confessed lover of the bold lip (and the big boss of beauty website PRIMPED), explained that you can wear the bold lip two ways: Hollywood glamour puss/vintage or totally modern. The vintage look (what I'll be doing tonight) involves black mascara and little liquid eyeliner. The modern look, a plain face with brown mascara. Too easy! What a winner, ta Zoe.
4. I'm sick of doing the 'baby doll' pink lips or the nude with the brown smoky eye. Yes, I realize that it always looks good, works with most outfits and is generally a no brainer. But come on, you don't make friends by always rocking the same look or with salad (said Homer Simpson). I think that's a lie though. I like salad...
5. A bold lip is every mans drug - they'll get hooked on you. If you're after a guy (or you're like me and want to keep the attention of your own boy) whack it on and they will come running. Literally. With flowers, magical calorie free chocolates and the latest 'Robert Robert' platforms. Okay, I'm lying. But the bold lip will make you look hot. I promise.
Huzzah! Five good reasons why I'll be rocking the bold lip tonight.
Are you a lipstick girl or a gloss girl?
What are your favourite colours? Brands?
thought up by roxy at 1:52 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Beauty, bold lip, Lancome, Primped, Revlon Colourburst, Zoe Foster
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Eateries: Agathas Food Store do BIG Brekkies....
My mouth is watering, people. Just reminiscing about my Sunday breakfast at Agatha's Food Store is enough to kick start the cravings. What an incredible taste bud delight it was! I cannot stop thinking about it (and wishing myself back there)...
Agatha's is a tiny (in size, big in bite) restaurant situated down the coast of Port Noarlunga. They are open 7 days for breakfast and lunch. Unfortunately, they don't stay open for dinner (which is a massive bummer), but I can cut them some slack becuase it is a family run business, so they need some downtime from the flood of hungry foodies constantly demanding their top quality service. And wozers, do they bring it? Yes they do (I should know, I'm a regular)!I could tell you about all of their yummy dishes (like their home-made dips and pita bread, or their smoothies (todiefor), but today I'm going to focus on just one...Their 'Greek Yoghurt Special'. And it's a good one too! What you are looking at is an enormous glass full of all natural Greek Yoghurt, mango, a selection of fresh berries, walnuts, honey and toasted muesli. Are you drooling yet?
Honestly, this is the best breakfast I've eaten anywhere and you know what, it's pretty healthy too (it may be a little bigger than one needs but hey, live a little! Right?). For only $7.90, it is the best thing since I first learned how to make cupcakes and frosting.
The end result:A job well done, me thinks!
Are you drooling right now?
If not, why not?!
I'd love to hear about your favourite eateries!
Did you know that if you try squeezing the two ends of an egg as hard as you can, you won't break it? Go on...Try it!
thought up by roxy at 11:04 AM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Agathas Food Store, Eateries, Greek Yoghurt
Monday, June 7, 2010
Review : L'Oreal Paris Youth Code Collection
I was one of 20 selected Primpettes to act as a guest reviewer for beauty website PRIMPED. Excited much? Oh yes, I was. What did we test? L'Oreal Paris' new skin care Youth Code Collection which included a face cream, eye cream and anti-wrinkle concentrate....
Just quietly, I love receiving packages in the mail. It’s so much fun, doncha think? So, obviously, receiving THIS beautified package sent directly from Jesus himself (no, I’m kidding, it was Primped, silly!) was a treat. And it wasn’t just my ‘package receiving induced excitement’ that got me all giddy inside, it was the added fact that I’d been scraping the bottom of my Clinique eye cream for too long. L'Oreal couldn't have come to the rescue any time sooner.First up, let’s talk about eye creams, baby (cos it was my favourite). The L’Oreal Paris Youth Code Rejuvenating Anti-Wrinkle Eye Care is a winner. While I cannot comment on its wrinkle reducing effectiveness (I’m only 20, gosh!), I can tell you that after just one application your skin becomes visibly smoother and feeling great (although, I understand that this collection is about preventative measures against wrinkes, so it is designed for a younger audience) . The eye cream acts as a wonderful primer for your eye makeup (it helped to create a smoother application of concealer and made it feel so great that it agreed to stick around all day long, good one!). PLUS, it’s pink colour (a result of it being slightly tinted to illuminate your eye contour area and restore radiance to the skin) is just lovely. Anything that helps brighten the area under my eyes is tops, and L’Oreal Paris, you did it! For just $35.95...It’s love!
The L’Oreal Paris Youth Code Rejuvenating Anti-Wrinkle Day Care proved to be an excellent up-grade from my lighter, more summery suited moisturiser. Its thickness helped to give my skin the added hydration that it has so desperately needed lately (However, I did only use it sparingly, especially around my t-zone, otherwise, I woke up with some gnarly, uninvited pimples). I liked how it had a hint of citrus scent - it kept me feeling fresh, but not like I was plastering a tonne of perfume on my face. My skin felt silky smooth after application and I have noticed an enhanced evenness in my skin tone (bonus!).The L’Oreal Paris Youth Code Rejuvenating Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate contains all these mattifying particles that makes your skin oh so soft to the touch. It has a relatively thick texture, however, it is fast absorbing. GASP! The concentration contains beeswax and shea butter, this is why it practically dissolves into the skin instantaneously. This is something that I loved about this prodz. But wait! If you decided to rush out and buy it, make sure that when you apply, you do rub it in quickly, otherwise, it wont spread evenly cos your face is greedy and will want to eat it all up and not share with your neck. Naughty face.
I’m loving that the creams are packaged in a classy and more importantly, THICK glass jar (because I’m tops at dropping things). Phew.
Overall, I’m one happy Primper and will defs be purchasing the eye cream again.The Day Care?I’d be happier if it included some form of sun protection, but for now, my skin is loving it. The anti-wrinkle concentrate is good, but I'm not sure if I will buy it again. I'll get back to you on that one.
Will you try L'Oreal's new Youth Code Collection?
What's you skin care regime?
Did you know that an eyelash lives about 150-200 days before it falls off? Holymotherofgawd! That's ages.
thought up by roxy at 3:39 PM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: anti-wrinke, beauty review, eye cream, L'Oreal Paris, moisturiser
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The 'Hero Of The Day' award goes to....
This guy:
What a winner! If I was a man, gosh, I would aspire to becoming as awesome as this guy. He's got the moves and I want to steal them. STAT.
An awesome Lynx advertisment making my study time a little more exciting (I am currently writing an assignment about commercials for the beauty and fashion industry. This is my headlining ad. No, I am not kidding).
thought up by roxy at 2:34 PM 2 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Funny Commercial, Hero, Lynx
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Awesome Interviewes - Susannah Bailey
I've blogged before about the radio show I co-produce at Radio Adelaide (called 'Y'). Well, now that's all wrapped up for the season. Finito, done-and-dusted (Boo!). Before you get all emotional too (ya know, jump off your comfy couch and run for the tissue box), KILL THE MOTOR DUDE. I've got good news. Working on this program provided me with the opportunity to interview some fabulous people (including Yasemin, the Editor of my fav beauty website PRIMPED - awesome!). However, the gal I'd like to bang on about today is none other than the inspirational Susannah Baily; a student at Colour Cosmetica Academy in RADelaide. This pink little lady (no kidding, she rocks fluro pink hair but boy, it looks freakin' cool on her) is incredible. She is currently undertaking Colour Cosmetica's 'Diploma of La Moda' (meaning: diploma of the fashion) which she tells me is a unique course that is the equivalent of four or five beauty and fashion courses put into one. Good one!
So people, this is some of what I found out about the one and only, Susannah Bailey...
Roxy: Firstly Susannah, Wow. I've seen some of your work and you are one talented chick. Can you tell me a little bit about some of the things you have done to try show off your talent?
Susannah: I've done so much. I've worked on fashion parades, photo shoots, films and plays. I've also being involved in running events for the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Also, Colour Cosmetica was heavily involved in running the Arcade Lane Venue at Fringe, which actually ended up winning best venue, so that was really exciting. Pretty much, this course means that the sky is the limit. You know, you can do anything you want to.
Roxy: Sounds like you've already had some incredible experiences - I'd love to zoom into 2020 right now and see what your future has in store for you. Unfortunately, I don't have my time machine handy...What a bugger! So instead, I guess I'll have to ask, where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years time?
Susannah: I see myself everywhere! Also, Tokyo. I'm a bit obsessed with Japan. I want to have my own fashion label - I'm actually in the process of staring that up now. I also want do do freelance work - in particular, hair, makeup and styling for other companies. I want to do visual merchandising, photo shoots, films and writing for magazines too. However, my primary focus is my own clothing label - I'd like a couple of them actually. This is why I came to Colour Cosmetica, because I have so many goals and this course is teaching me enough to do pretty much anything that I want to do. When I graduate I'll be prepared for anything and everything!
Roxy: Goodnessgraciousme, how exciting! Keeping in mind all of your previous experiences, can you give any other aspiring fasionistas (who are trying to get exposure) any advice?
Susannah: Just be positive, be yourself, be creative but also understand it is a lot of work. I don't have much of a life at the moment, it's a huge commitment [the Diploma of La Moda] but it is so rewarding, the experiences I have had make all the hard work definitely worth it.
Roxy: That's great advice Susannah, cheers. So one last thing before we finish up, please tell me about one of your favourite pieces of work?
Susannah: One of my favourites (I have so many) is called 'Clockwork Harlequin'. It is based on a very similar time as Alice [in wonderland], the real 'Victorian Morning Clothes' but also, the Commedia Dell'Ate (Italian comedy and theater) Harlequins. So, I had a black shirt that had all these amazing layers and layers of extravagance built up and the head piece I made out of broken clocks, glass, wires and peals. So much fun to make.
Roxy: It is an incredible piece of art! Thanks so much for your time Susannah and good luck with everything in the future - although I'm sure you wont really need it!
Said 'Clockwork Harlequin'....Awesome handiwork, right?
Are you impressed?
Do you know of any talented beauty/fashionstas?
Has Susannah inspired you to work hard and achieve your goals?
thought up by roxy at 10:28 AM 0 letter(s) to the editor
Mentions: Beauty, Community Radio Stations, Design, Fashion, Fashion Shows, Hair, Makeup, Photoshoots, Susannah Bailey, Y