Friday, April 30, 2010

Food - Urban Remedy Clense

I wasn't sure what to call this post. After all, food isn't really the right word considering I wont actually be eating anything for the next three days. In fact, this is what my fridge looks like:

I'm doing the Urban Remedy cleanse after reading about Yas' experience with it on Primped. Basically I'll be spending 3 days drinking a lot of juice and giving my body a break from all of the other stuff it's eating all the time. I've tried a detox before. In fact me and Roxy did one together one. It Summer and it was before either of us had jobs and we were bored so we went on one of those 10 day detoxes where you drink something that tastes like mud, take foul smelling tablets and cook food that consists mainly of steamed fish and cabbage (okay I must admit that fish and cabbage are two of my favourite foods!) You can imagine that we weren't impressed with it. We lasted about 6 days (if that) and half way through that we even stopped taking the tablets. 

I like that Urban Remedy is different from that. For starters the juices look amazing! The cleanses last either 1, 3 or 5 days (although I think we can only get the 3 day cleanse in Adelaide). They aren't ridiculous expecting you to fast or change your eating habits to something ridiculous for 10 or 14 days like some detoxes do. Urban Remedy also isn't about weight loss and it doesn't pretend to be. They give no promises about losing weight, even though it is a possibility, it's just about getting some good healthy stuff running through your body. 

I shouldn't talk too much about it now as I haven't even started, but expect some updates once the juices begin!

4 letter(s) to the editor:

Val said...

Good luck with the cleanse! You can do it!! #5 is my favourite drink. Weird I know!!

natashajean said...

Oh that's exciting! 5 was probably the one I was most worried about. That and the fact that 6 when half frozen does not look very appetizing! (Although 6 sounds delish!)
Thanks! I can't wait to start!

roxy said...

I just successfully ordered my cleanse! Huzzah! That was easy. Ha! Won't be getting mine until the 12th but still very excited xxx

Unknown said...

Hey girlies. Can you get in touch with me some time? I have an idea... My email is emma(at) xx